Sunday, December 27, 2009

Why I believe suicide is okay

I don't believe in psychiatry and all that mumbo jumbo. Psychiatrists and psychologists never listen to you.

The people who are against suicide irritate me. They are only against it because they would have to deal with the mess left behind. They would have to deal with the demons they hide away when the person was living. What I mean is that those who are against suicide are never there for you when you are living, but expect you to not kill yourself, not for your sake but for theirs.

Why else would they call someone suicidal selfish? But the reality is that those who are making them live for the sake of others are the ones who are really selfish. You want them to be miserable when they don't have to be.

I think its selfish to be against suicide and to expect people you know who have suicidal feelings to just deal with it and get over it. Most people who are against suicidal are usually a part of the problem of WHY people KILL themselves in the first place!!!!

People certainly don't like dealing with the aftermath of a suicide, because they know they were partly to blame for it why weren't you there when they were still alive? The thing is most people don't walk the walk they just talk the talk. They don't want to get their hands dirty by having to commit to helping someone and actually being there for them. They don't want that kind of a burden. They expect the suicidal person to deal with their misery on their own, and call them selfish for not thinking of others when they attempt to end their life. But the irony is that you were too selfish to help them and helped pushed them to the point of suicide!

The suicidal person is the last person being selfish. If you don't fucking want to feel guilty for their death, why not actually doing something proactive such as helping them out????

And when I say help them, I mean be there for them, not call the police and get them sent to a ward because you are too lazy to be there for them yourself.

I am a full supporter of suicide. I think its one's own right to take their life. As long as they don't take other peoples lives with them. I don't believe in making someone's life even worse by making them live for nothing.