Sunday, December 27, 2009

Why the Bible should not be used politically

If you read my last post then you know I am strongly anti-conservative Christianity and am more pro-progressive Christianity.

The problem with the Bible is that if you look hard enough you can find any verse to support your argument.

People used it to support slavery, racism, sexism, and so much more.

People also used the bible to support abolitionism, interracial marriage, and much more.

How can this be? Well the Old and New testaments contradict each other. When Jesus died for our sins, the Old Test soon became invalid.

Because one could twist the Bible in their favor, the Bible should only be used to control one's own personal life and not control society itself. Everyone has their own interpretation of the Bible that is why you have so many rifts in the Christian who is right and who is wrong? That is why people should worry about their own relationship with the Lord rather than shove it down someone else's throat.

The Bible has no place in politics. I follow the progressive ideology that the Bible should be personal not political.