Thursday, October 15, 2009

Tell All books

I for the most part do not care for Tell All books, they are usually nothing more than slandering others...I mean, one should ask, is it our business to know famous peoples business??? Its bad enough celebrities let it be known their personal beliefs, things that really are none of our business. I mean we pay to see you act, sing, dance, or whatever!!! Do what your paid to do.

But I really don't like Tell All see lots of kids (especially in the 80s) write tell all books about their famous Golden era parents...usually saying some of the meanest things.

And we have fallen in love with these celebrities' graceful images that we refuse to believe its true and criticize the authors of these books....

But as I have said in many different blogs that the problem is society idolizes these people beyond the point of allowing them to be human and capable of mistakes or evil.

I am thinking about Mommie Dearest. There was alot of criticism because of it, everyone was saying the daughter was wrong...but is she? was she? The thing is, we will never know. We can't tell someone that what may have happened in their life did not in fact happen.

We are all outsiders looking in. Mommie Dearest proved why we should just not do Tell All books. Its not our business. If we didnt glorify people like Crawford in the first place, then there would be no problems.