Sunday, October 11, 2009

One's World

One could argue that one's world is their entire life. When you look at people who live to be old, and they feel lonely, you may say that this is their world their time, while the old person may say they belong to say the 1940s or something.

To me, one's world is their happiest point in life. For me its the 1990s, for old people it could be their childhood, teens, or adulthood.

When you look at celebrities who were apart of the Hollywood Golden Age, for them their world could be their Hollywood heyday, where all their friends are at.

Titanic is the perfect example of showing one's world. When Rose died, she goes back to Titanic, and reunites with Jack. Even though she had an adventure after Titanic, and settled down and had children, her heart and soul was with Titanic, it was her world.

One's world is the most important part of their life, or most detailed, or happiest part. It was a moment in their life that they always and often revert back to in despairing or lonely moments. Sometimes that time being over can bring loneliness, as the current time lets them down.

Yes they may be living, but they are not living in their world.