Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Why do people vote for people they abandon when they lose?

Case in point: John McCain and George Bush.

Towards the end Bush's 8 years, even Republicans kept saying enough is enough. Some hated him so much they called him a liberal.

When McCain came along, they were gung-ho! But when he started to lose and the Palin campaign came along to make him look bad, all of a sudden they were saying that McCain was a liberal, and he isn't a true Republican.

So I ask, why do people abandon someone simply when they are no loner winning, when before they were so gung-ho?

The answer is that they simply were voting for the what they thought was the "lesser of two evils". Now obviously Obama is the lesser of two evils (Palin is the devil's wife) but that is where the problem with politics lies.

People keep voting democrat and republican even when they say how they hate it. Don't blame the government when you are not willing to vote who you want in the first place.

It makes you and your party look very bad when you parade around someone and then when they lose you start bad mouthing them. I don't want someone in the Presidency for the wrong reasons. If your badmouthing shows how you really feel, then do yourself a favor and start voting for the one you would still defend even AFTER losing!