Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Introverts, Misanthropy, and being anti-social

Believe it or not there is a difference between the 3...I should know since I am all of them.

1. Introversion...is the polar opposite of extroversion. 75% of society is extroverted while only 25% are supposedly introverted. According to psychologists/scientists, we are born with the predisposition of being one of the two. That doesn't mean we can't adapt and change to the opposite, it just means by nature we are one of the two, and by default we will always return to that nature. Being introverted means you like to be alone, social situations make you feel awkward, and sometimes makes you feel like you are having an anxiety attack cause you are around people for too long. Extroverted people depend and thrive on being around others, they almost cannot bear to be alone, as many do not know how to be alone longer than for a few hours at most.

2. Anti-social, this is the next step above introversion. There are two types

  • Type 1 is anti-social by choice, they just do not like to hang out with people, they don't like to go places, they usually do not get along well with others so they avoid being social.
  • Type 2 usually has social anxiety and is scared to talk to others. They don't necessarily want to be anti-social, but that is how they become and are percieved because they do not know how to be social.
Both types are introverted but in different ways. Type 2 is the extreme version of introversion because they don't know how to be social, while Type 1 may not necessarily have problems with being social, while they often have trouble getting along with others, they may not have problems being social in general, but they choose not to be social as its just not their thing.

3. Misanthropy, is actually the extreme version of Type 1 anti-socialization. To be misanthropic means to be anti-humanity. One hates being around others so much, they usually have a deep hatred for everything that relates to people.The only thing that is higher than misanthropy is being a sociopath. Misanthropic people are not necessarily cold hearted or feelingless, they just do not like society and really want no part of it. Often misanthropy is a result of being hurt emotionally enough to a point that its scarred them horribly.

There are articles out there that talk about how introverts and the like are supposed to survive in this extroverted socializing world. My question is why? Why should WE have to conform? Their way is no more correct. I laugh whenever some loser says you need people in order to be happy...that is not true if your predisposition is introverted. Introverts find happiness without people.