Thursday, November 12, 2009

Why religion in school is impossible.

There are some religious freaks out there (you know those who believe in forcing others to do their religion) that believe in bringing God back in to school. Their whole "notion" is school went downhill when it was taken out. School did go downhill, but not due to religion, its due to lack of responsibility of the parents, and the gov't making it harder for teachers to teach and to actually punish immature disturbances you call naughty children. When spanking was taken out and replaced with a 2 hour detention, people realized they could get away with so much more cause the punishment wasn't horrible (at least for the repeat offender).

I am not an atheist, in fact I despise Atheists because they are hypocrites who do the same crap as Christians that they claim they hate Christians doing to them.

But why is it impossible to bring religion back into public school?

1. Different religions. So because chrisitianity is the majority religion, they have the right to trump the religions of others? Ask yourself this, if another religion or atheism ever became the majority, would you, the Christian, subscribe to having your religion trumped by them because you are in the minority? If not, then why do it to others? Your religion is no more wrong or right than anyone elses. You claim yours is right, so do they. So how will you accomodate for other religions? What about the Westboro Baptist Church (the pinnicle of what many Christians in reality have become these days, especially the conservative ones)? Would you be okay with them coming to YOUR schools? Because if you allow Christians to talk with your school, by law, you would have to let any religion come to your school otherwise you would be discriminating.

2. What about different Christian beliefs? There is a reason you will see different types of private Christian schools and Catholic schools. Its because people subscribe to different types of denominations. In a public school setting, your not just facing different religous beliefs as a whole, but different religious beliefs within the same Christian sector. So how do you stay unbiased? There are liberal (aka Democratic) Christians and then you have your hated conservative (Republican) Christians (the ones I find to be the most unchristianly of all), how will you do the religion and prayer just right to fit the standards of all religions?

3. Why should one be FORCED to pray? How is pushing a religion someone going to make them more religious? It actually made me turn away when I was younger...I do not like being forced to adhere to things. So is it really worth pushing more to become agnostic or worse, atheist?

In the end, there are more problems than there are solutions to how to deal with bring religion and prayer back into schools. Remember these schools are no longer segregated by race to the point that you could get away with these kind of things back then.

If you so badly want religion taught to your child, why don't you pay for them to go to private school? Tax dollars should not be wasted on trumping others relgious beliefs in school.