Sunday, November 29, 2009

Time to close the high school chapter of my life officially

Unofficially the high school chapter of my life ended when I graduated in 2008. But I never really let go. For years I wanted to graduate, and after graduating I wanted to go back.

As I said in a different post, "the present doesn't stop sucking until it becomes the past".

I am like the only person who really hasn't changed since high school. Not in looks or personality.

Everyone else has changed, this one girl who is uglier than me has had several boyfriends. She even decided to go republican (blech!). Everyone is changing.

I am constantly surrounded by people at my university who have spoken about how they have changed since high school.

I really haven't changed. Other than occasionally wearing my hair in a different style. Wearing a skirt every now and then, and writing more poetry, I am still the same misanthropic anti-social depressed person that I was in high school. I still haven't dated (and quite frankly I don't see that happening). I have no stories to tell really.

I am trying to find myself though....

but its time to close the high school chapter. its over. those people are out of my life. i shouldn't compare myself to them. Its time to start my own life separate from that of high school.