Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Great Depression is why....

Often people bad mouth things like welfare, food stamps, any form of gov't aid even financial aid for school. They talk about the thousands that abuse or take advantage of these programs...an amount that surely is in the minority but only made to appear worse than it is by the media.

They feel these kind of Gov't involvings is wrong.

Well blame the Great Depression, it changed everything.

Did you know back in the 1800s, the federal Gov't got involved only very little back then, when a financial crisis occurred, there was no aid of any sort to get them out. There was no expectation from the people to get them out.

But when the Great Depression happened, Gov't had no choice but to get them out, some way or somehow. They could have just kept doing things the old way but they decided to get involved, why? because it would have been cruel not to. Things would have gotten even worse had they not.

But the costly part of this is that it left the lasting effects of people expecting the gov't to fix all problems...it has caused our society to shirk personal responsibilities...the same people that grump about gov't aid are the same people that expect the gov't to solve all these financial solutions.

Should we go back to pre Great Depression ways? Or keep with them? History always repeats itself...the only way to prevent that is to figure out exactly all the things that played a role in the problem.