Sunday, October 4, 2009

Ugh, older Christians sometimes = olden ways.

Devotional Bibles, often they come in the form of NIV or NCV, they are Bibles that have a specific theme to them, and they correlate to God and the Bible (obviously), usually the Scriptures are formatted in a more understandable version (rather than the KJV) version.

Older Christians (and many churches themselves) are often die hard KJV users (King James version). They feel any other translation such as NIV (New International Version), would be wrong.

But the faulty reasoning in this is that KJV in itself is a translation too, therefore, what makes that version anymore right or wrong than NIV or NCV (New Century Version)?

On top of that, older Christians, often look down on these new themed Bibles, such as Teen Bibles, Girls Bibles, Women know things sorta like like the Chicken Soup Series.

They feel its dumbing down society and takes away from the Bible. But the reality is, sometimes the sparklyness of the Bible, and the coolness it shows and the easy understanding one gets, will make one read it much more.

Ask yourself, would you only want the KJV around, but no one read it, or would you rather have all these versions, and have millions read it?

In the end, one must be realistic with the times.