Thursday, October 1, 2009

Are What Ifs important

Remember as a child always asking "what if"? We made it our mission to turn every answer into another question.

Many will say "what if" doesn't matter. But does it?

There are 2 types of What Ifs.

1. Past What Ifs
The past what ifs are what ifs asked about things that happened in the past. For example What if slavery never happened? These kinds of questions can never be answered.

2. Future What Ifs
These are the questions that pertain to the future such as "What if another Holocaust happened?" These can be answered, only through time, and more often than not, the answer reveals itself only after its too late to turn back.

What ifs can and are important to pay attention to when it pertains to the future. But the past ones are no so important as the past can not be changed.