Most people say suicide is wrong, maybe in the context of the Bible it is, but regardless if its wrong based on religious reasons, that is no reason to make it illegal.
In my opinion, if one kills themselves and does NOT put anyone in harms way, then its okay. Living is extremely hard, and its even harder for some others.
People say its not fair to those who must deal with the loss of a loved one due to suicide...but is it really fair to make someone live in misery just to keep YOU from being upset over their death? That sounds pretty selfish.
The reality is, there is no such thing as a temporary situation. I mean some, if not most, kill themselves because of constant disappointment. We all have different levels of dealing with it, and in some peoples cases, they have too much disappointment and not enough good in their lives to keep them going. I mean who wants to live on earth when only bad things happen to them? at that rate you just want to take your life because living has become too unbearable.
Suicide isn't wrong as long as you only off yourself and no one else. No one should have to be subjected to the evil that is Life anymore than they want to allow.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Why I support suicide.
Posted by myperspective08 at 7:38 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
PETA sux
Its not cause I am a meat eater that I hate PETA. I am the type that you would never catch hunting, whether I am against it or not I personally do not know. I just don't care to ever take a gun and kill an animal unless I have to for safety reasons.
I dislike PETA and other animal rights extremists because they are too crazy. They take a good cause and push people away from it. These people are willing to kill a human life to save an animal's life. I just do not like the extremism they take the cause. We all know that violence and extremism gets you recognized, but it also causes you to get hated extremely. That is why when people look at MLK they have good things to say, he took the nonviolent approach. It didn't get him immediate recognition but his approach worked better than PETA's violent approach.
Posted by myperspective08 at 6:07 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Engagement rings.
Its funny that I am doing a post on something I will never even experience. Its the idea of engagement rings. You will have people who would want their man to spring lots of money on a ring. I on the other hand would be angry if my fiance spent too much money on a ring. Less than 500 is good enough for me, in fact id be uncomfy with a ring that was like 500 dollars honestly. Maybe its cause i am not a jewelry person. It doesnt matter really as i will never marry or fall in love.
Posted by myperspective08 at 2:31 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Drinking before flight
So through Youtube I was watching some Airline episodes. One of the most recurring incidents on the show was the "you can't board because you are drunk" scene. Countless episodes would show someone being denied boarding as they were too drunk or drunk enough that Southwest felt they would be a threat or safety issue.
Maybe its because I am not a drinker but it just seems foolish to go drinking excessively or at all on the day you are to fly out. It sounds as silly as people who are upset over No smoking legislation in restaurants, those upset over it are silly because you must be addicted if you can't go a few simple hours without alcohol or cigs.
It just seems silly to drink when you know you are getting on board a flight.
Posted by myperspective08 at 2:02 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 22, 2009
You know, sometimes in life you will just have to accept that you may never be accepted. I rationalized a few months back that what prevents people from finding happiness or being satisfied with who they are is their fear of being alone and not accepted. That fear keeps you in the control of others. Some people will have hundreds of friends, while you may have none. But what no one will tell you is that you can still have happiness even if you are alone.
People are quick to say being alone is a life not worth living...but sometimes you have no choice, or you do, but the alternative is too draining. The alternative is to be a pushover.
You are left with the decision. Be you and proud of it or let people talk down to you and mistreat you just so you can have "friends". In the end you never truly have friends, and you put yourself through an unnecessary hell of being walked on by fakes.
Sometimes there really is nothing you can do about a situation other than to let it go and to do your own thing.
I realized I kept putting so much energy into people so undeserving of it. I could use that energy for homework.
Finding happiness has nothing to do with how many friends you have. It simply has to do with the situation you are in, and the resources you have. Yes the kind of fun you will have is going to be different than with a group...but the thing is, one just has to learn to adapt.
Its like love. You can't force a guy to like you. You may end up never falling in love or finding it. But your life doesn't have to revolve around the need of a guy. Its the response to the situation that will dictate happiness or not. Its not necessarily whether you remain optimistic or pessimistic. Its how you accept the situation itself and the steps you take afterword that really matter.
Posted by myperspective08 at 3:44 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Note about college classes.
In college, the assignments you get are far and few, yet they are time consuming, and not doing well on just one assignment can plummet you.
I am learning that if you can avoid a lecture class, do it at all cost. A lecture class is by far the worst, its a waste of your time and money.
I am also learning, if you don't have to take the class, DO NOT TAKE IT.
and also, just because a class is interesting doesn't mean its easy, in fact, even if you like it, you probably shouldn't take it. its best to avoid complexity if you can.
Posted by myperspective08 at 6:55 PM 0 comments
The weather here SUX!!!
Its a recurring joke where I live about the weather. Around here the weather can be good an entire week, but as soon as you have to do something important, the weather gets horrible and starts raining.
I think the defining point in my life that showed me how unpredictable the weather here is, was Spring a few years ago.
It didn't really snow much (don't get me started about the snow issue) but the first day of spring finally arrived, and guess what happened? it snowed.
Posted by myperspective08 at 4:15 PM 0 comments
Numbness on the right side of my head.
WARNING: this post is very graphic and could make you sick just reading it.
The right side of my head is in pain...i was only asleep for 4 hours, but now i am suffering from the affects of sleeping while sick. i love to sleep, and it pains me to always suffer from sleeping while sick.
sleeping while sick is where every time you sleep, your sickness gets worse.
A few years ago, around the time i was 13, something horrible happened. Somehow the pathway of snot in my nose started seeping into my throat, thus me having to cough up this snot, aka phlegm.
I can feel the snot in my throat, as i will eventually have to start coughing this crap up. i am sick and tired of being sick and tired. i have so much crap that i must do today, and barely any time to do it. i need to cry right now, but i can't.
i have been debating if i should even attempt school, but in all honesty i just don't think i can withstand it. my body itself isn't as of right now, in as bad of a condition as it was yesterday morning, although its still makes me a little dizzy to stand.
i just want to rest, and be stress free.
i am going to admit right now...and no longer be ashamed of the consequences of admitting such a truth will bring. i am a terribly lazy person. i have absolutely no motivation. maybe it was brought on by all the unlucky circumstances brought to me and my mom. maybe its the lack of socializing for the last 8 or so years....maybe its the lack of being forced to do what i dont want to do, and maybe always having that crutch.
there is no career that i really want to do. the truth is i don't want to do anything. i just don't belong in this world...i really don't want to. i am lazy, and i honestly don't care what people think about that. its what i am. i wish i could find a way that would let me live the life i truly want, and thats to do nothing but what i want to do in life, stress free. i am sick of being a slave.
i am really thirsty, due to the disgusting behavior of my throat right now, i cannot really enjoy water, something i really like and love to drink.
part of me wants to go to class, even though i probably couldn't handle it, for the pure fact that teachers punish you for being sick, they will fail you...even though they "encourage" you to take leave, they are unforgiving for it. and people wonder why so many get sick?
Posted by myperspective08 at 7:46 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 17, 2009
the flu
i have all the symptoms of the swine flu, except for vomiting. for all i know i could have a typical flu, or it could be the swine flu.
what is upsetting about this is, i cannot get help because i have no health insurance. i support universal healthcare for this very reason...its not fair that the poor suffer and not get their basic needs of medical survival on account of being poor.
Posted by myperspective08 at 11:38 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Tell All books
I for the most part do not care for Tell All books, they are usually nothing more than slandering others...I mean, one should ask, is it our business to know famous peoples business??? Its bad enough celebrities let it be known their personal beliefs, things that really are none of our business. I mean we pay to see you act, sing, dance, or whatever!!! Do what your paid to do.
But I really don't like Tell All see lots of kids (especially in the 80s) write tell all books about their famous Golden era parents...usually saying some of the meanest things.
And we have fallen in love with these celebrities' graceful images that we refuse to believe its true and criticize the authors of these books....
But as I have said in many different blogs that the problem is society idolizes these people beyond the point of allowing them to be human and capable of mistakes or evil.
I am thinking about Mommie Dearest. There was alot of criticism because of it, everyone was saying the daughter was wrong...but is she? was she? The thing is, we will never know. We can't tell someone that what may have happened in their life did not in fact happen.
We are all outsiders looking in. Mommie Dearest proved why we should just not do Tell All books. Its not our business. If we didnt glorify people like Crawford in the first place, then there would be no problems.
Posted by myperspective08 at 1:05 PM 0 comments
Uber clean can be just as annoying as uber messy.
The problem with dorms or sharing apartments for that matter, is you have different people with different cleaning styles.
There is always going to be that roommate who is a little messier than others...there is always going to be that roommate who is just too clean to be beared...and then there are those who fall in between.
as much as the messiest roommate can be annoying...the uber clean roommate is worse. Because of their need for clean, they often try to hold you to their standards of philosophy is, do it yourself....
It is unnecessary to clean the same thing twice a week, especially when its not messy enough in the firs place. nor is it necessary to take the trash out twice a week, when its not quite full enough after the first round...why waste resources when you are on a budget????
Its like the person who volunteers to do something, and then gets mad cause others aren't. If you want something done to your standards, DO IT YOURSELF. I do things my way...if you don't like it that way, well, then you need to do it yourself, its your problem.
Posted by myperspective08 at 9:58 AM 0 comments
The reason many students and even teachers get sick...
I am getting sick...brought on either by running my fan at night or some other student came into contact with me while they were sick.
It is likely the latter...
both high school and college are set up to make it almost impossible to catch up.
In high school i went home alot during school, not feeling well and then getting full blown sick as soon as I got home...but then sophomore year came along and classes got too hard to miss...I refused to miss a day of school until senior year where my second semester load wasn't rough....I missed one day because I had to go to the hospital cause I wasn't feeling too well...
Today I only have one lecture class to go to...but even sick I will go, so I can get my notes...
Many of the professors because of the swine flu are encouraging students to stay home. One professor postponed his pop quiz for a later date because many people are getting sick...another professor who usually likes to give extra points in class decided he would just flat out give everyone points in order to not encourage sick people to go to class.
You see in a lecture class, often the professor will not teach by the book. Sure you can email and ask for notes from other students (like alot of people do), but the chances are they won't send them to you.
Many sick people these days are forced to go to school because the teachers who encourage you not to are not very forgiving if you miss a quiz or don't do your essay. Some are like email the essay or show up for class long enough to give me your essay...etc.
It will be my luck (I have bad luck) that my being sick gets worse in class....right now its hard to blow my nose cause it won't come out, but when I get to class, its gonna get stuffy and its gonna want to come out...
It sux that school now punishes you for taking care of yourself....
Whenever I get sick its gonna take weeks to recover...a simple cold usually takes me 3 weeks or more to fully recover. Colds, flus, fevers, usually leave me with horrible side effects....such as throat problems and weakness.....
I can't afford any doctor....
We all know the school system is screwed up...but its bad when students like me, have to go to class when they are sick just to keep from falling behind....My philosophy has always been, if I am not sick to the point of complete and utter weakness that I can't bear to move away from my bed, then I should go to school.
The only true working solution is to go back to the way teachers used to do it, and just excuse those students from those assignments rather than give them an extra load. I mean if its an assignment that doesn't have like an immediate due date, thats one thing. Like with essays, if you have a week to a month to do an essay then being absent once in that entire time line shouldn't really affect your ability to do your essay unless you were extremely sick to the point of not being able to move well or dizzinness or hospitalization.
But assignments with an immediate due date, like a worksheet...why not excuse them?
Posted by myperspective08 at 8:56 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 12, 2009
Seriously your opinion doesn't matter
There are these "obama polls" on facebook, where a bunch of lazy lowlife people create and answer polls about Obama...polls that have no effect other than to harness anger.
You see we are in an age where people are too lazy to do the work it takes to make themselves be heard. Seriously, these people believe answering "no" to the question Did Obama deserve the Nobel Peace Prize? is not going to make much of a difference. I doubt Obama goes online to see what morons have to say about him. The only reason he shouldn't have gotten the award was because it was based on proposals he wanted to do, proposals that are supposed to be in stark contrast to Bush, only problem is they are just proposals...him getting the award could be bad because it takes more than 4 years to undo the damage Bush did and it would be bad if he can't make his proposals happen because of stupidity going on in this world, especially in Amerikkka.
But these polls are stupid. It shows how lazy and useless people are. They have no life, and you know what, these are the same people who sit on high horses judging poor people and the president, when these poll makers and takers, can't even do anything more of value other than waste their life at a stupid Facebook Poll...but that is the republican party for you, a bunch of whiny lazy losers.
Posted by myperspective08 at 8:58 PM 0 comments
4 Things I can guarantee
1. I will die one day.
2. I am always going to be taxed.
3. Bad things are always going to happen to me.
4. I will never find love (or maybe I will find someone to I love, but they won't be returned).
I have yet to accept 1 and 3. 2, kinda goes unnoticed every now and then...but 4, I am growing closer and closer to accepting...what can you do about a hopeless situation? I know my situation more than anyone. I know the predicament I am in. Everyone wants to shrug it off and say I am imagining things, but I know I am not. I am 20, and never been on a date, never had a boyfriend, never been in love. I am always going to crush, but they are always going to reject me. Thats life. Some of us were meant to be single.
Posted by myperspective08 at 12:17 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 11, 2009
One's World
One could argue that one's world is their entire life. When you look at people who live to be old, and they feel lonely, you may say that this is their world their time, while the old person may say they belong to say the 1940s or something.
To me, one's world is their happiest point in life. For me its the 1990s, for old people it could be their childhood, teens, or adulthood.
When you look at celebrities who were apart of the Hollywood Golden Age, for them their world could be their Hollywood heyday, where all their friends are at.
Titanic is the perfect example of showing one's world. When Rose died, she goes back to Titanic, and reunites with Jack. Even though she had an adventure after Titanic, and settled down and had children, her heart and soul was with Titanic, it was her world.
One's world is the most important part of their life, or most detailed, or happiest part. It was a moment in their life that they always and often revert back to in despairing or lonely moments. Sometimes that time being over can bring loneliness, as the current time lets them down.
Yes they may be living, but they are not living in their world.
Posted by myperspective08 at 1:37 PM 0 comments
Movies are an escape.
Some may be surprised to know that the Hollywood of the 1930s became what it was because of the Great Depression...and that Hollywood, in a sense led the way for the Hollywood we have today. Back then in the 30s and 40s it was the Golden Era today it is the Blockbuster Era.
Movies became what they were in the 30s, as a means of mental escape for just a few hours. Because of the effects of the Depression, it gave people a chance to enjoy something in the gloomy world they had to live in. And even after the Depression ended, the effects of movies stayed.
To this day, movies are still an escape from this world. An escape from politics, war, violence, etc. It is sad when some people try to ruin that glory by involving those things in movies.
But the beauty is that one can (for the most part) choose the movies they will allow themselves to watch.
Posted by myperspective08 at 12:35 PM 0 comments
Political Unmarried.
You know, they say opposites attract. But do they really?
Look at politics and marriage. Most people would more than likely want to marry someone with the same political beliefs.
In a sense, it kinda sets the standard for the fact that most people would prefer to be with someone who is in every way like them.
I think its natural to like someone who may be our polar opposite, but one must ask, are they right for you?
Lets face it, 2 different people are likelier to divorce simply because they are too different to get along...of course too similar could cause divorce out of pure boredom (but probably more unlikely).
But if you put a moderate to liberal person with a very conservative person, there is going to be problems. You may think that because the moderate to liberal person has some moderate views that it will simmer the disagreements between them and the very conservative person...but it won't.
Its one of those things...if you get together, there are just some things you do not talk about. If you both are passionate, then there are going to be problems.
Sure, it can work out...people have made interracial relationships work, interfaith relationships work, and many other things...but it all depends on the parties involved.
Posted by myperspective08 at 2:17 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Love...lets be real.
You always here lines like "there is someone for everyone" and "love will happen when you least expect it". But lets be real...there isn't someone for everyone, and it probably won't happen when you least expect it.
I used to, and sometimes still do, find those stories of people who would be talking to a guy, and little did they know that guy would turn out to be their husband years later. Who didn't like those kind of stories? It definitely made you feel better when guys were not lining up to ask you out.
But I realized something, those who are single for the longest, and are not asked out or complimented by guys, see love in a realistic way.
I have never been in an a relationship. I have been asked out, but I didn't return the feelings. The guys I am into, do not return the feelings. At age 20, I have decided to give up on the idea of love. I know my situation more than anyone, and for me, I think its less painful to accept my fate that I will never fall in love or be married.
People who have been in relationships several times always tell me that it will happen someday...but they fail to realize our situations are different. Its easy to think that, when its constantly happening to you...
Its not normal to be 20 and never been kissed...
There are 3 types of girls when it comes to lack of love.
1. the girl who never gives up hope, but is always let down in the end.
2. the girl who is so desperate for love that she will accept anything as long as its someone, even if they are not good to her, or right for her.
3. the girl who gives up and learns to enjoy life alone, accepting their depressing but ultimate fate.
You can't make someone like you. You can't change things. Love may or may not happen to you. Do I think there is a guy that is perfect for someone out there? Yes, only that doesn't mean you will meet them, or that they will return the feelings. We all find that perfect match...that guy that is everything you look for...People say there is someone for everyone...yet they never tell you that you may never meet this person...
Sometimes I can't help but wonder if love is even seems like those in love, have lost their mind. People in love follow their heart rather than logic and end up hurt because of it. Love probably isn't real.
The pain of never experiencing love will never go away...some pains cannot be destroyed. But one can learn to live with those pains. Divorces and broken hearts, sometimes remind me of how lucky I am that I will never have to experience or deal with love. Thinking about all the bad things about love help me deal with the fact that love won't happen.
Posted by myperspective08 at 4:17 PM 0 comments
Hobbies and Careers.
Many say that one should do what they love as a career. It definitely makes you want to get up in the morning. Most of us can not do what we love as a career, most of us know we many not have the talent to make a career out of it, or it may just be too big of a step, too risky.
But one should question, if one should take their hobbies and make careers out of them. There are two types of people when it comes to hobbies.
1. The One Main Hobby person- This person has one central hobby, if not their only hobby. This type of person only likes one thing, its their life, their joy, their soul. They put alot of work and effort into this hobby.
2. The Multiple Hobby person- This type of person has multiple hobbies, sometimes they get bored with one and move on to the next and just keep doing this until they are back to the first hobby again. They are not as committed to their hobbies and its more of a passing time or relaxing thing for them.
When making a career out of your hobbies, #1 has to look out for the possibility of becoming overwhelmed or growing to hate their hobby. Only having one hobby can make it hard to relax and find something else, because their career is their hobby, and sometimes your career can make you hate your hobby.
For #2, their problem is finding which hobby to make a career out of. Figuring out which one they love...or figuring out if they want to even make a career out of their hobby.
I myself have multiple hobbies. I like to write poetry (dark poetry), I like to look at art, and other poems. I like to find out about history stuff. I am interested in space, airplanes, museums. I am like photography. I like to draw clothes (I used to want to be a fashion designer), I like trains. I am someone who likes to have knowledge about things. I like to watch documentaries. I like to read. I like to listen to New Age and classical music.
Having multiple hobbies can be good, you always have something to go to when you get bored with one. Yet the only problem is you are not as committed.
Posted by myperspective08 at 2:19 PM 0 comments
Ways to understand "period" books.
Throughout high school and college, one finds themselves bombarded with books that can be complex...having to read plays from Shakespeare, and then reading other plays such as Arthur Miller's The Crucible. You must read books such as The Great Gatsby, Fahrenheit 451, and maybe other books such as those written by Jane Austen.
The problem with these books, is not their plots, as they can be very intriguing and great page turners. The problem lies in their complex language, and well, the fact that these books are "period" books.
How does one understand a book with language written so complex and so out of date? Teachers have always encouraged keeping a dictionary next to you for quick references. Sometimes one must read enough of it in order to understand it.
Going to places like SparkNotes helps one understand a book more. Then there is always the possibility of buying special guides to help you understand, and sometimes, in such cases like Shakespeare, there is always buying the Standard English version.
When you go into reading these types of books its important to go into it knowing you may have to look up stuff, it won't be as easily readable as modern books.
These are "period" books. What does that mean? It means a book is set in a different period from the reader's own time. A period book essentially gives off the vibe that one may have to know about customs of that time period to understand such a time period.
Sometimes its applying our own time's standards to a book written 50 or more years ago, that makes the book so hard to understand. Sometimes you will have to do background information about a time period from back then. Sometimes you just have to understand your history of other countries and other time periods.
Sometimes this can be so much work that it discourages people from wanting to read such books. Its like watching the movies...and classic movies on top of that...some people just prefer modern because they live in the modern era where they know how things go down.
Posted by myperspective08 at 1:28 PM 0 comments
The Problem(s) with Wikipedia
I used to think teachers in H.S. were just being flat out picky about sources, when they say "do not use Wikipedia as a credible source". I thought the website was awesome. In fact, my 10th grade English teacher introduced us to the website as an "idea starter" for looking for things that could lead to ideas to help with essays.
In fact, many teachers seemed okay with students using Wikipedia as an "idea starter", so as long as it isn't credited as a source.
But it was about less than a year ago, I finally understood just why teachers are so against Wikipedia. And now I do not blame them anymore. They aren't being picky, they just don't want you to fail due to misinformation.
The first time I saw Wikipedia's true colors, was when I saw in an article something racist. Someone had called a black child actor a "nigger" and said "why is he even allowed in this group?". It went unedited. Having no account, I went in and edited out. It was that simple.
The only times you cannot edit something is when the article has been marked (usually due to debate over the article).
Later on as time passed by a new problem unfolded. Often these articles would be biased and incorrect, and sometimes you could not change them to make it correct. It was disgusting seeing some prevalent racism against blacks on there.
It got even worse, recently, I discovered Wikipedia supported racist whites who would spew racism in the discussion section of an article, while removing anyone that proved the racist wrong.
If you look at the discussion section of many articles on Wikipedia, not only do you see prevalent racism against blacks in many, but you also see just how much articles get tampered with.
And this brings me to the major criticism as to why teachers hate this website. Anyone can edit, no matter if they have the brains or not. People are always taking things in and out of articles. The problem with Wikipedia is that they truly are unreliable.
I guess one should expect such for it being a free site and all. Well it has to be free...cause if they hired people to actually be in charge of articles and did not allow edits period, then people would have to pay to use the site, because well, it would be professional, and well these experts have to get paid from somewhere right?
No wonder, Encyclopedia Britannica is less used (you must pay) yet more encouraged by teachers. Although Encyclopedia Britannica has its issues too.
I have seen people who want to argue politics use Wikipedia (and Youtube) as "proof" for their argument. Failing to realize how simple it is to edit both a Youtube video (you never know when someone posts a video how valid it is), and a Wikipedia article.
Youtube is only good for pure entertainment enjoyment.
Wikipedia is essentially only useful for general, non-important information.
Posted by myperspective08 at 1:19 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 9, 2009
Holiday Themed cartoons.
When you think of holiday themed shows, you instantly think Christmas. But for me, its not just Christmas, its all holidays.
Holiday themed cartoons make me look forward to fact, its what I found I liked most about Decemeber.
Right now we are in my favorite season, Autumn. Next month will be my favorite month because its Thanksgiving. This month is Halloween. Although I am not crazy for Halloween, I like watching themed shows for it.
I realized something about holiday themed shows. The best holiday themed shows are always cartoons. While non-cartoon holiday themed shows are good, there is something about holiday themed cartoons that make them the best of all.
I discovered that the best shows for Autumn would have to be Its the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown and A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. They are just the pinnacle of Autumn.
Posted by myperspective08 at 8:30 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 8, 2009
History...the easiest yet most boring class.
In college, everything is made to be harder than it should because of the lack of work assignments to sustain a grade, and because of super boring teachers. What should be an A or B is made into a D or C because of lack of work to maintain your grade.
But in high school, where there is more work, one can't help but observe that history may be one of the easiest classes in school...yet the most boring of all.
How hard or easy a class, for the most part falls on the shoulders of the teacher. The way they run their classroom and teach makes all the difference.
But honestly, no matter how you teach History, its always going to be boring. Most people moan that its a worthless class to take. That its pointless. To me, its important, you need to know the history of this country to help better future decisions. True, the next situation may not be similar as the last, but every little bit of knowledge makes the difference.
Yet, pending on how your teacher taught, this class can also be very easy and simple. With English, you have to deal with grammar and the rules of writing. With Science and Math, you have to deal with equations, formulas, experiments. But with history, its more of a memory game than anything else, remember dates, but most importantly remembering the events themselves. Understanding why it happened, and who was involved.
What makes history boring is that its not sustaining one's attention long enough because there is not much complex things about it to keep one's interest going...The more boring the class, the less work people will do for it, and the harder it does become.
Some teachers have tried to make history harder than it is, purely to keep students attention, such as constant quizzes and essays.
People do not care for history. Why would they care about what happened before they were alive? Why would political corruption long before the Bush days peak their interest?
Also what makes learning history in school very boring is the fact that H.S.s make the grave mistake of ONLY teaching about wars. Essentially every war is the same. And what student wants to learn about bloodshed day after day???
History can be even more boring because most teachers do not make it interactive. Would a student learn more from reading the pages or actually performing a scene in an act?
In college, as mentioned earlier, all this thought goes out the door. In college, classes are made to be so hard due to lack of assignments. One F, hell a low B or high C can bring you down an entire letter grade. It may be less homework but its sure as hell crucial to do well.
I have a history discussion class that goes with my history lecture class. I dislike my discussion class, not only because my teacher is an inane bitch, but because its got to many people. Believe it or not 23 students in a discussion class IS too much. She ONLY calls on the same people, which causes the rest of us to fail (even if we had our hands up). Its important to jump in there and just thoroughly read those documents (and some of the textbook) so you can steal the convo away from the discussion convo stealers.
A discussion class should honestly only consist of less than 10 people. In fact, I feel as though these lecture classes too are a waste. The topics no matter how interesting are ruined by the fact that there are too many people in there, and lazy professors who don't give much work because they do not want to grade it. Its too easy to fail.
When someone says college or a college class is easy, they really mean its hard. that is advice to really take away from all this in the end.
Posted by myperspective08 at 8:54 AM 0 comments
You gave up, not pushed.
I just realized 2 interesting things in the last hour.
1. when people say something is easy, they mean its hard.
2. its incorrect to say one pushes someone away, the reality is the so called friend gives up and chooses to leave.
Im gonna go more into number 2 for now.
Lets say Person A is in pain and Person B is the friend trying to help Person A. Person A, has had a horrible life and isn't very open or trusting. Person B wants to try but Person A is not very opening to her, finally Person B gives up. Person B says that Person A kept pushing her away.
In otherwords, she blames Person A for all of this. But the reality is, its Person B's fault.
How so? Its simple really, Person B gave up.
If someone truly cared about a person, they would not easily give up. They would know someone in deep pain or had a big history of hurt and sorrow would not be a simple case to take on. Therefore, they are likely to push you away several times, but someone who cared, would stay by their side and try to (even though at a slow pace), prove to that person they are worth opening up to.
The fact is Person B gave up on Person A because she did not care enough about her to commit the time it would take to crack open that shell or break that brick wall Person A has down.
You see, Person B blames Person A as to why she is unable to help Person A out. She claims that she kept pushing her away. But the reality is Person B is to blame because she gave up and chose to just leave. She let herself be pushed away.
Posted by myperspective08 at 1:26 AM 0 comments
"Volunteers" with a sense of entitlement
I hate people who volunteer and then get mad because they end up doing all the work, when they volunteered...and then they try to make YOU feel bad for not offering...when THEY volunteered. Look, don't volunteer in the first place to do something and then get mad because others don't give you a helping hand.
Why do people "volunteer" and then get a sense of entitlement...doesn't that defeat the purpose of volunteering? Its like giving to a charity and then expecting those you give to, to pay you back later on.
It just defeats the purpose.
Posted by myperspective08 at 12:39 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
My views on Political Correctness
The point of being PC is not to offend anyone. People made Obama be PC about his race (people having a cow that he calls himself black instead of biracial when society has always called biracial people black to begin with), they made him be PC about the truth about race relations (the truth that cops are in fact racist). PC affects everyone and anyone, regardless of party affiliation, race, gender, rich or poor. Republicans claim to hate PC yet have used it countless times themselves on the President (Obama and for that matter any Democrat). So PC is not just a liberal thing. Republicans embrace it. The only difference is that Republicans claim to be against PC, so they can say racist things.
I am against PC, but I do think its wrong to use being anti-PC as an excuse to say racist things. If you are going to say racist things, then you need to own up as a racist with racist views, rather than hide behind the poster "I hate political correctness".
I am not a conservative, and will never be. I am not a liberal either. I am a moderate to liberal. Meaning I share views that range from moderate to liberal. It depends on my mood at the moment.
The problem with PC is that it weakens people. It makes everyone overly sensitive. The reality is, its impossible to be PC about everything. In this day and age, everyone gets offended by the smallest of things and make the biggest issues out of it. People demand apologies even if the person isn't sorry.
The problem with PC is you have to go out of you way to not offend people, yet someone gets offended anyways. Whats worse is when you have different people who get offended by different variations of a word, example: one gets offended by "fat", another hates "overweight", yet another person hates "obese". How is one supposed to remember this? I think the individual show know themselves what someone means, if they are friends or family, then you should know if they meant to offend or not. If they are not important people in your life, then move along.
Being overly sensitive makes it hard to function in society because people get upset too easily. It encourages hateful people to keep using hateful words, because we react to it rather than let it go and let them eat their hate alone.
PC means people lack common sense to know when someone is insulting them and when someone is just being unreasonable.
PC went from starting out as something good, to be stupid. I hate censors on tv. They are curse words, either show them all or don't have any. Why should I or a million others suffer because some parents are too irresponsible to monitor whats being shown in their own home?
There is no one championing Anti-PC...Republicans are so PC when someone says something that Republicans don't like, they are the ones who are against freedom of speech. Racists are not being Anti-PC, they are just being racist (there is no way to justify racism, you stupid racists!!)
Posted by myperspective08 at 9:19 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Barbies, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts.
In this day and age, people are less into the whole "scouting" thing and the barbies. Today's society is all about video games.
People have marked boy scouts as horrible for having a "don't ask don't tell" type of policy (not strictly just directed at gays but atheists and etc too). The Girl Scouts are criticized for not being strict enough. Unlike the Boy Scouts, they feel its better to let individual chapters within Girl Scouts, make their own policies, and have fewer universal policies. But also, Girl Scouts can't discriminate for they use gov't funds, unlike the Boy Scouts.
I was a Girl Scout for 2 years, I didn't like it, I went to the church chapter rather than the chapter at my school, because of this I could not be with my friends. I only talked to the girls at church on Sundays and was not friends with any of them.
Its weird, I myself did not like them, but I am so for the ritual of sending your kids into the scouts. I am not a mother, but if I were to ever become one someday, I think I would want my sons and daughters to be apart of the scouting tradition.
I don't understand why they are so hated. I mean they aren't the only type of scouting out there, let alone the only kind of activity they can be a part of. I would want my kid to do little league also because baseball is awesome.
I am one of those girls who is all for the All American childhood.
I am a Barbie supporter. I played with Barbies religiously growing up. And if I had a daughter, I would want her to play with them. There are so many criticisms, such as the race issue (not looking racially realistic for those of color), and then the fact that Barbie herself does not look realistic, and that she is sooo intruding on feminism etc.
I am not a feminist. I do not believe women should be allowed in the army (other than for secretarial or nursing positions). I am not a traditional woman either...I believe women should be able to work but they do have house duties to maintain also.
Today's society is just horrible, no one has morals, people are loose and have no respect. People are just lunatics.
We are a society that shuns all good things for the bad things. Everyone finds a case about something all the time, just wayyy too much.
People are worried that Barbie conveys a negative image, but yet the let the media get away with conveying negative images all the time.
Posted by myperspective08 at 11:49 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 5, 2009
Why do we call Autumn "Fall"? Is it because we start school when its still summer? And to make it sound less cold that one is forcing students back in school during their summer, we say "Fall", cause its not quite Autumn, and Summer isn't quite over?
I love Autumn, I don't like how cold it can get, but I do like how the air does get a little cooler, I love the brisk and crisp feeling. I love how the colorful leaves fall to the ground. I love the holidays that come in Autumn. Although I do not celebrate Halloween, I love seeing the spirit of it, as it is aligned with Autumn. I really really love Thanksgiving. November is my favorite month. I love the colors of November and Thanksgiving.
The rest of the seasons and holidays just do not live up to Autumn.
Posted by myperspective08 at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Ugh, older Christians sometimes = olden ways.
Devotional Bibles, often they come in the form of NIV or NCV, they are Bibles that have a specific theme to them, and they correlate to God and the Bible (obviously), usually the Scriptures are formatted in a more understandable version (rather than the KJV) version.
Older Christians (and many churches themselves) are often die hard KJV users (King James version). They feel any other translation such as NIV (New International Version), would be wrong.
But the faulty reasoning in this is that KJV in itself is a translation too, therefore, what makes that version anymore right or wrong than NIV or NCV (New Century Version)?
On top of that, older Christians, often look down on these new themed Bibles, such as Teen Bibles, Girls Bibles, Women know things sorta like like the Chicken Soup Series.
They feel its dumbing down society and takes away from the Bible. But the reality is, sometimes the sparklyness of the Bible, and the coolness it shows and the easy understanding one gets, will make one read it much more.
Ask yourself, would you only want the KJV around, but no one read it, or would you rather have all these versions, and have millions read it?
In the end, one must be realistic with the times.
Posted by myperspective08 at 8:34 PM 0 comments
Choosing Bibles
When it comes to reading the Bible, there are some things to consider in choosing the Bible for you.
*Version- The kind of version (KJV, NIV, NCV, NLT, Amplified, etc) matters!!! Don't pick a version based on what others think, nor what your youth group, bible study, or church or whatever use. Pick based on what YOU understand. This is something you want to read on your personal time, so you want what you can understand.
*Outside Appearance matters- You want a Bible that looks appealing on the outside. Maybe a rainbow of colors, or something. Sometimes the typical Black Bible can be dull a boring.
*Inside Appearance- Not only does the organization of how the Bible is in that particular one matter, but so does what it contains besides Scriptures. Specifically devotional Bibles. You can get devotional Bibles on just about anything that pertains to YOU, and you can search through a plethora of ones within that topic itself that has loads. Such as Girl Bibles. So how pretty it looks inside, and what it contains really will make a difference.
*Size- Size matters because you want something that you can carry around with you.
These may sound superficial, but the reality is that many, especially younger people do not read the Bible. One would be foolish to say these tips in Bible hunting does not matter. Remember, the individual Bible reader, needs to buy a Bible that meshes with their personality. You WANT them to read the Bible, and sometimes you have to go down the superficial route. A cool looking Bible will excite someone enough to pick it up and read it more.
Posted by myperspective08 at 5:51 PM 0 comments
Why I Hate Modern Christian music
Lets get it on out there, I can't stand Christian music at all!!!! But modern christian music really angers me.
1. It is wrong to make Christian music sound like its mainstream music...not to mention it comes off as a "wolf in sheep's clothing" kind of trick, fooling the audience with music that sounds normal but isn't.
2. Its abusing Jesus's word. You can't mix mainstream music with christian music. You are essentially making fun of Jesus, and abusing him and the music industry itself.
3. Real Christian music never imitates mainstream music.
I also am anti singing in church.
Posted by myperspective08 at 5:21 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 2, 2009
QnA Refugees
I was a former user of the website QnA. Then it shutdown in May. People rushed over to the newly created website QnA Refugees, created by a member of the QnA community. I had no part in it. I checked out the site as a visitor, not as a member, and I saw there, the problems that plagued QnA...which was a bunch uneducated, whiny rude and ignorant hypocritical people.
I knew then, that I would never join that site.
I returned to Y!A (having been there BEFORE QnA)...but recently about 3 months ago, I decided to end my 2 year run there as I grew a great disdain for that site as it was now a meeting and breeding ground for racist morons.
I realized that all Question and Answer sites were full of uneducated people, and most importantly these were all people that had nothing to do with their life so the lived it on these websites. As I live my life, I realize that these people are still living theirs through such worthless websites.
These sites breed and foster hatred and ignorance. They are where the lowliest of people go to kill 8 hours a day.
I feel no shame in saying this now. I have cut off all communications recently with everyone from QnA. Two other users I got along greatly with, had done the same thing about 2 or so months earlier. I couldn't blame there. There was no point anymore. Why keep a bunch of "friends" you don't know on your Live Space page when you do not speak to them nor care for anything related to QnA anymore?
While everyone spends their time at QnA Refugees, I spend my time on Facebook and also doing my homework and living my life the best way I can.
I decided to cut out that part of me who communicated to strangers on websites like Y!A and QnA. There was nothing there but idiots who lived on a high horse.
The internet life only serves to make you angry at some point. At first it seems like the solution to a boring life, but then the anger sets in, as people start being stupid online everywhere you go, mimicking real realize you can't escape it either that point, it seems better to live life by actually doing something besides going on the internet, for at least once a week.
In the end, I left that world behind. I abandoned even the good people that made the time I did have at QnA worthwhile...but I wasn't the only one...and for me, as a young person, it seems pointless to be attached to strangers...a cold person I may sound...but rational and logical I am being.
I just checked back to this article months after posting it and noticed an annoying troll commented on here. I have never had an account with that stupid website (which I think is non-existent now anyways). When I say visitor I mean as someone who was looking at the website as if they were looking at an item without buying it.
Posted by myperspective08 at 2:08 PM 0 comments
Should the Bible be allowed to govern anything besides one's own life?
The Bible is a guide to living. But time has shown in many many instances, where the Bible is used to govern the way society itself will work. Its what caused there to be so many different denominations within Christianity, because people did not agree with the interpretations of the Bible, and interpretations of the Bible is what helped the governing of each town.
People have used, and still use the Bible to justify hatred acts, while the opposing side, the side one would consider liberal (the side that is for one's rights), use the Bible to justify their arguments.
If you look at slavery, interracial relationships (Loving vs Virginia), the gay marriage movement, and other movements, in each of these cases, the Bible was used on BOTH sides of the arguments.
This should tell you something...
It proves how useless it is to use the Bible to govern society. Its one thing to use it for your own personal being...but its pretty useless to use it for society. The Bible is what helped encourage the slavery of Africans for as long as it encouraged many segregated and racist acts against blacks (such as the Mormons and the ideology of the Mark of Cain).
Likewise, people had to use the Bible to help abolish slavery....
The problem with the Bible is that, it is very vague and by using it to justify any acts in society, it could truly mess up society. One can use it for any argument, as the Bible often contradicts itself (it doesn't condemn slavery and in fact encourages it, YET, at the same time, the Bible says all is equal and made in the same image, and if this is true, how can slavery be as one has to seem themselves as superior in order to put another human into slavery).
I do believe in freewill. I do think God gave people freewill...but at the same time why doesn't Jesus condemn slavery?
Some say because he was being a realist, because humans had freewill, he just went with it...yet that doesn't explain how he condemned other things that he found horrible.
Its hard to have faith in someone who condoned evil.
But in the end, people need to stop using the Bible to justify anything that has to do with society. In the end, one makes a villain out of the Lord, simply by misusing the Bible.
Posted by myperspective08 at 11:35 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Are What Ifs important
Remember as a child always asking "what if"? We made it our mission to turn every answer into another question.
Many will say "what if" doesn't matter. But does it?
There are 2 types of What Ifs.
1. Past What Ifs
The past what ifs are what ifs asked about things that happened in the past. For example What if slavery never happened? These kinds of questions can never be answered.
2. Future What Ifs
These are the questions that pertain to the future such as "What if another Holocaust happened?" These can be answered, only through time, and more often than not, the answer reveals itself only after its too late to turn back.
What ifs can and are important to pay attention to when it pertains to the future. But the past ones are no so important as the past can not be changed.
Posted by myperspective08 at 7:55 PM 0 comments
a liberating albeit stressful feeling.
its the same feeling you get when you finish your homework and have one more assignment out of the way. the feeling you get when you do your presentation early on, and are finished and no longer have to worry about it.
its a liberating yet stressful feeling. liberating cause its out of the way, stressful because you don't know how well you did and it starts racing through your head.
No one wants to be first up on something, but who wants to be last? I used to think last was best, cause you saw everyone else's work before they saw yours, so you don't have to worry about feeling upset that they did something you felt you should have done with yours....but at the same time, you stress more because even though your last, you have to wait so long.
Posted by myperspective08 at 12:56 PM 0 comments
Reasons why blacks won't support gay rights.
The media wanted it to be well known that blacks do not support gay rights. Because of this, gays went into a racist bash against blacks for it. Well here are some reasons blacks do not support gays, and probably won't for a long time.
1. Its not their battle
Lets face it, its not our battle. Blacks are still fighting the racism battle, why would we care for someone else's battle?
2. Comparing the battles
As I stated before, its not black peoples battle, yet gays are always comparing the two. They are NOT the same. You can't hide your race, and the pain black went through is far worse than what some gay person went through. At least you can hide.
3. Racism against blacks.
Gays are known to be racist against blacks, and the lack of black support made them even more racist against them. Funny, they need the black vote, yet they are giving blacks more reason to vote against them.
4. Christianity
The ultimate reason. Blacks are known to hold more Christian views than whites, they are known to be more strict and abiding to the Bible. Back in slavery, some felt blacks weren't deserving of being Christian, but some did, overtime, more and more were becoming Christians, and now in a time where its considered wrong to be a Christian, Blacks are the most powerful Christian force out there. The Bible is against the gays (and also, the Bible supports slavery) and strict Christians abide by that.
I was all for supporting gays, even though I would never outwardly show any support for them. But seeing their racist and hateful antics, give me reason to want to pull the Majority-Minority complex on them. The Majority-Minority complex is where one can be in the minority in something, and the majority in something else, and will sometimes forget out it feels to be a minority, because they love the power they get from being in the majority.
With each racist white gay I see, the more and more I become for denying them rights. Why would I want to fight their battle, if they are going to give me racial problems? Who cares about right or wrong (for all we know it probably isn't right anyways), I haven't met a good gay person yet. They are all rude and stuck up, and you know what? They can fight their own battle....maybe get an attitude check and people will support your cause more!!!
Posted by myperspective08 at 10:00 AM 0 comments